This band debut opus was an LP called Every Mother's Nightmare in 1985—a good first try but overall deceiving if one knows this EP from 1987 which is a radically different affair.
I found a short en enthusiastic bio and some pictures here:
The Untold Fables were four crazed teens from Orange County (LONG before there was a TV show glamorizing it!) and were one of the highlights of the 80’s garage scene! Long-haired, geeky, pimply-faced, not that great looking (sorry guys!), these guys blasted out some superbly wild garage-oriented r’n’r with a punk edge!
Jon Niederbrach was a supremely underrated guitarist who had a great tone and could make an insane noise, especially considering he was a nice, church-going young man! Paul Sakry was a super drummer, who at times played with a number of other bands, including a gig with Thee Fourgiven and a stint with Yard Trauma.
Paul Carey looked pretty demented and could scream with the best of them! Rob Butler was an obnoxious punk of a bassist (and he’s a pal of mine!), but he knew his stuff, could write some great songs, and went on to “fame & fortune” with the Miracle Workers as part of their best line up!
The six minutes of "The Man And The Wooden God", which open the b-side, are certainly their highlight, complete with great bored lyrics and an overwhelming fuzz guitar in some parts.